Friday, February 28, 2025

It's TIme to Dare to Share!

It's Friday night, and you know what that means.. 
It is time to Dare to Share! 

Life has been back to normal for me this week.  I worked a full week at the daycare. I have been feeling pretty good, and my thyroid has been acting normally. (maybe my nodule knows it's not going to be there much longer! LOL)  This upcoming week the daycare will be closed for Spring Break, since we follow the local school schedule.  D and I  hope to maybe go somewhere for a few days, but we do not know where yet. 

Were you able to see the planets in a line tonight?  I wish we were able to.  It is completely clouded over where we live, so we are not able see any of it. 

We still have a few weeks until St. Patrick's Day, but with March beginning this weekend, Spring is also right around the corner.  Several years back I made this easy bunny cake. It was not that hard to make, and would be cute to serve for a variety of occasions. You can see how to make it here on my post, How to Make a Bunny Cake.  I have not yet made any Easter crafts or treats for this year, but hope too while off work in the next few weeks.  

Now that you know what I have been up to, I would like to see what things you have been up to as well, so let's get this party started. Link up and HAVE FUN! 


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Friday, February 21, 2025

It's Party Time! Let's Dare to Share!

It's Friday night, and you know what that means.. 
It's time to Dare to Share! 

Happy Friday!  I hope your week went well.  I have been back at work this entire week, and feeling pretty good. I'm not sure if there is something to it, but ever since I had my biopsy a couple of weeks ago, my thyroid symptoms have been better. I hope that continues for a few more weeks because I now have the date scheduled to remove the nodule. My surgery will be in mid March.  I was told it will be outpatient unless there are some complications, and that I should be able to go back to work about a week after the surgery. I'm not feeling nervous yet, but that could possibly change as the time gets closer.  

If you are a long time follower, you may remember Kyle.  Back when he was a teenager he created recipes for a series on the blog called Cooking with Kyle.  He will be graduating from college with his second degree this Spring. We are very proud of him.  These days he does not do too much cooking for himself, but he does enjoy going out to eat when I visit.  

Are you starting to think about St. Patrick's Day?  Can you believe it is only about three weeks away? If you are looking for some ideas on what to do, a few years back I made these cute Leprechaun treat boxes and shared some games in my post Leprechaun Treat Boxes and Games.

Do you have any fun plans this weekend? I will be attending the 1st birthday party of one of my students. 💗 I met her when she was only 2 months old. I have loved watching her grow and change over these past several months.  

Now that you know what I have been up to, I would love to see what you have been up to.  Link up and HAVE FUN! 


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Saturday, February 15, 2025

Let's Dare to Share!

It's Friday night, and you know what that means.. 
It is time to Dare to Share! 

 I remembered it was Friday night this time! I have some updates from my last post.  In my post on Monday, I shared I had a thyroid biopsy last week, and I was waiting for the results.  Since I was out of my routine for several days, I totally forgot last week's party.  This week I am beginning to get back to normal.  I am back at work, and I am also visiting my family and friends in Michigan this weekend.   On Tuesday I found out my biopsy is benign.  Then on Wednesday, I saw the ENT oncologist.  As I predicted in my last post, they are going to remove the part of my thyroid with the nodule, due to it's large size.  If we don't remove it, it will continue to grow. It is already beginning to push on my vocal chords.  Another issue is that even though it is benign now, there is a higher chance it could turn cancerous at a later time. My surgery will be sometime in March, the date to be determined soon. I have been feeling pretty good now that I know what my next steps will be.  

I feel like I dropped the ball on Valentine's Day, but now it's onto St. Patrick's Day.  Even though the year seems like it is already flying by, I am ready for winter to be over. 

Well it is getting late, so let's get this party started. Link up and HAVE FUN!! 

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Sunday, February 9, 2025

Out of My Routine


    As you may have noticed I missed posting the Dare to Share Party this week. It was not intentional, but because of my biopsy this week, I was out of my usual routine.  When I am out of my routine, it is easier for me to things like when it is Friday night. 😲  I had my biopsy early Thursday morning. It seemed to go well, and they got six good samples. I had a great team doing the biopsy, which made the experience easier.  I was extremely tired afterwards from not sleeping much the night before, and my neck was a bit sore.  I ended up sleeping most of the day on Thursday.   On Friday I scheduled to work. I was feeling pretty good, so I got ready for work.  When I got there, I found out my boss took me off the schedule, so I could have another day of rest.  While not working Thursday or Friday was good for resting, it was not good for my normal routine and muscle memory. D and I went to dinner Friday night, watched some TV, and then went to sleep.  On Saturday, I had plans with a good friend of mine to visit a Galentine's Day market, and get some dinner. (you can see what I ate in the photo above, it was really good!)  It was not until the middle of the night last night that I realized I totally forgot to do the Dare to Share Party post on Friday.   In this case, I am going to blame my thyroid brain.  It really does exist. I did not have the results of my biopsy yet.  I will find out Monday or Tuesday. I am a little nervous, but overall calm about what the results will be.  The Dr who did the biopsy did say most nodules are benign, so the odds are in my favor.  On Wednesday, I  have an appointment to see the oncologist ENT.  Even if we get a good report about the biopsy, there is a very high chance we are removing the nodule due to its extremely large size.  I will keep you posted. 

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