
Saturday, June 8, 2024

Let's Dare to Share!

It's Friday night, and you know what that means.. 
It is time to Dare to Share! 

I know last week I teased a post that I was going to sharing this week about something really exciting that I did last weekend.  While we did go to the event, I was unable to post this week for an unfortunate reason. On Monday at the end of the work day one of my coworkers got a phone call that changed her life. Thankfully all the kids had left for the day, because she found out that her brother had just been killed.  It was devastating and heartbreaking to see one of your friends get news like that. I was able to be there to comfort her the best I could.  Since she has been out all week, I have been covering her shift.  She is the main toddler teacher.  We have 12 toddlers, and this week was long and tiring. Toddlers are crazy!  Every day after work, I would need to take a nap. Next week will also be long, but I will be in the baby room.  The baby room teacher is getting married this weekend and I am covering her room.  I am excited about that though, because I love taking care of the babies.  I don't know if I mentioned on the blog that I am going to be a grandma later this summer, so I am currently in grandma mode. 

The post I will still be sharing soon is about the Logan Wilson celebrity softball charity game I attended.  Logan Wilson plays for the Cincinnati Bengals and they had a softball game to raise money for SIDS awareness.  It was  a lot of fun, and was a great way to meet a lot of the players.   WHO DEY! 

This party is getting a little bit of a late start because I am in Michigan celebrating a friends birthday tonight, and then heading back to Ohio for my coworkers wedding on Saturday.  Since it is late, let's get this party started.  Link up and HAVE FUN!! 

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  1. What a blessing that you were able to be with your friend during such a tragic time and that you could take some of the burden from her by covering her class. And, now it sounds like you will be helping another friend out in the week ahead when you spend time with the precious babies! Such a gift to share with those around you, Pam! I can only imagine how grateful they are! Wishing you safe travels this weekend!

  2. Thanks, Pam, for hosting and having me over weekly. May you have an awesome weekend.
    My entries this week are numbered #25+26.
    Please join and share your posts with us


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