Saturday, December 30, 2023

Happy New Year Dare to Share!

It's Friday night, and you know what that means.. It is time to Dare to Share!  I have to admit something.  You know that silly meme going around on the internet that says you don't know what day of the week it is this week because they days are all blended together, and you are full of either cookies or cheese.  I forgot what day of the week it was most of the day, so I almost...
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Friday, December 22, 2023

It's the Holiday Dare to Share!

It's Friday night, and you know what that means.. It is time to Dare to Share! Well it's just a few days before Christmas, are you ready?  I am so not.  Today was my last day of work until early January, and  I am still fighting some kind of bug.  Most of my shopping is done, but NOTHING is wrapped.  I got my tree up just a few days ago.  The big family tree...
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Tuesday, December 19, 2023

My favorite easy Christmas reindeer recipes

We are currently watching the Reindeer Games on Big Brother.  That show made me think that I have several reindeer recipes on the blog from over the years that would be be fun to revisit. One of my favorite reindeer recipes is from when my son made these Reindeer on Rye Sandwiches for his cooking series Cooking with Kyle. Another fun recipe was our Magic Reindeer Corn....
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Friday, December 15, 2023

It's Time to Dare to Share!

It's Friday night, and you know what that means.. It is time to Dare to Share! How can it only be 10 days until Christmas?  Being sick the last few weeks has caused me to be very behind on our Christmas prep.  We will finally be putting out our Christmas tree this weekend.  It is normally up a few weeks earlier than this and it feels weird that it is not up yet.   I...
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Monday, December 11, 2023

How to Make a Giant Gingerbread Nutcracker

 This past weekend I finally finished a Christmas craft that I had hoped to have finished a few weeks ago.  Being sick two times in the last month, I had to delay the project just a bit. Standing in the corner of our dining room there now stands a five foot tall gingerbread boy.  I am just over 5 feet tall, and we are approximately the same height.  This past Halloween...
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Friday, December 8, 2023

It's Party Time! Let's Dare to Share!

It's Friday night, and you know what that means.. It is time to Dare to Share!  Last weekend we started our Christmas shopping, and doing a few Christmasy things. Then on Monday I felt a familiar feeling. I then woke up on Tuesday sick again! This is the  fourth time in four months. Thankfully though, I think it is just a simple cold this time, and is almost gone. I am so ready...
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Saturday, December 2, 2023

Let's Dare to Share!

It is Friday night, and you know what that means.. It is time to Dare to Share! Just like that, it is December! This week was a very busy one for me.  I had a full work week, and I got a lot done online. Over on the blog I shared my recipe for Air Fryer Stuffed Mushrooms.  The kids love them and they are super easy to make.  They make great appetizers and party food. I...
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