Saturday, November 18, 2023

Let's Dare to Share!

It's Friday night, and you know what that means.. 
It it is time to Dare to Share!  

Time flew by this week.  I am finally feeling better.  I am not 100%, but I am doing a lot better than last week. There were a lot of things going on this week at work, and this weekend we made our monthly trip to Michigan.  One of my friends have a birthday coming up right after Thanksgiving, so we wanted to celebrate with her. We just got back from our Friday night dance, which was a lot of fun.   

I worked quite a few extra hours at work this week, so I was not able to get quite as much done online as I normally would.  

Before I worked the extra hours, I posted Turkey Sandwich Snacks on the blog. My kids loved eating these sandwiches when they were kids.  It is a fun and healthy way to celebrate the season.  

Over in the Etsy shop I have a few new listings in the works. I have two to three new Christmas Scavenger Hunts that will be posted in the upcoming week.  I am pretty excited about them, so I hope you will be too. 

Well it is getting really late, so I better get this party started.  

Link Up and HAVE FUN! 



  1. Hi there and good morning Pam, Hope you're having an awesome day and weekend.
    Thanks for hosting. I linked up this week with = 47+48. Hope you will join us M-S SeniorSalonPitStop and W-S #WordlessWednesday. You will find both under BLOGGING.

  2. Thanks for hosting and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.


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