Friday, November 3, 2023

It's time to Dare to Share!

It's Friday night and you know what that means..
It is time to Dare to Share!  

Happy November! 

Did you have a Happy Halloween?  We had a very cold Halloween with snow flurries. I only had my costume on for short period of time before changing to much warmer clothes. Since we have dogs who do not like the doorbell, we sit on the porch to hand out candy. It was pretty chilly, but we still had a ton of kids come by.  

It was a very busy week here at work in addition to the Halloween and birthday festivities. I only had a chance for one blog post Our Halloween night and Dollar Tree Halloween DIYS

I'm busy working on a few new Thanksgiving listings over in my shop.  Im almost finished with a couple turkey crafts.  I already have my Thankful Turkey Craft Kit in my shop.  When my kids were younger, we had a tradition to make Thankful Turkeys every year.  We would add feathers to a paper turkey and write what we were thankful for on each of the feathers. Once they were complete we would hang them up so we could be reminded every day what were thankful 

Do you have an Elf on the Shelf?  Over on Instagram I am starting to share Elf on the Shelf ideas. Last year I had so much fun sharing an Elf Fashion Show.  This year he is having another one with all new outfits.  If you would like to see new ideas for your elf be sure to follow me over there.

Did you know that I have a newsletter?  I would love to have you to subscribe.  You can find the sign up box on the top right of my blog.  

***One more thing that I forgot to add last night.  If you are interested in learning how to create your printables, the course I took and LOVED is currently open for enrollment.  You can read about it here.   If you see this after the closing deadline, you can still click on the course to learn more about it. 

Now that you know what I have been up to, I would like to see what you have been up to so let's get this party started!.

Link up and HAVE FUN!  


  1. Sounds like you had a nice Halloween. It was a pretty cold night for us too. We had a mini party. We had treats, music, and much more. It was nice. Thank you for hosting. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. It sounds like you had a great Halloween. I was having a good weekend until I got sick. I have been laying in bed not feeling well the last 2 days. :(

    2. Pam, I hope that you are feeling better.

  2. You are so creative with your Dollar Tree creations! Wow! Thanks for hosting! Happy November!

    1. Thank you. I get a lot of ideas from other Dollar Tree haulers on Instagram, and I try to put my own spin on things.

  3. Thank you very much Pam for hosting. May you have a glorious weekend and new week.
    I linked up this week with = 35+36. Come and join us Mon - Saturday at SeniorSalonPitStop as well as #WordlessWednesday #Photography Wednesday - Saturday. You will find the info under BLOGGING

  4. Hi Pam, It's so nice to meet you. So happy I found you. Thanks so much for hosting this wonderful group. I look forward to visiting.
    Linking up at #61&62.

  5. Thanks for hosting. Happy November. I have made a few printables, but have just offered them as freebies. Interesting idea! :)

    1. Since you already make some for freebies, you already have a great start. :)

  6. Thanks for hosting a great party! Hope your week has started great - now off to visit some other party goers. There's some good stuff!

    1. Unfortunately my week did not start off so good, I have been sick. Hopefully it ends strong though!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


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