
Friday, March 31, 2023

It's Time to Dare to Share!

It's Friday night, and you know what that means.. 
It's  time to Dare to Share! 

Happy Friday! 

Do you do anything for April Fool's Day?  We normally don't do anything. I do think some of the tricks are funny though, especially when they are nice tricks like making regular food out of sweet treats. It's always fun to have a surprise like that. 

Speaking of sweet treats, the preschool/day care where I work had a Candyland themed party for the kids this week. While I was not able to take pictures during the party, because I was too busy helping the kids, I did take some pictures of some if the decorations.  

Earlier this week I wrote a post on how I made a large party cupcake using Dollar Tree items.  I personally did not make the giant suckers, but they are made from pool noodles and duct tape which you can also buy at the Dollar Tree.  

While the preschool had a lot of decorations already from past parties, I added a few characters.  We had many lollipop decorations, so I thought the perfect character to add was Princess Lolly. I drew her on poster board and colored her with markers.  

**this post contains affiliate links 

Dollar Tree has presentation boards that are white on one side, and cardboard on the other. It was the perfect size and price to make Jib the gingerbread.  They kids at the center had already made many gingerbread cut outs, so we added them to the wall, along with large chocolates.  (styrofoam plates covered with silver wrapping paper) 

I also added some signs using fonts from Creative Fabrica.  On the site they have thousands of clip art and fonts available.  You can either buy them separately, or buy an annual subscription.  For me the subscription is definitely worth it, because it's where I find so many great files for my Etsy Shop  where I sell seasonal printables and party games.  If you have ever thought about making digital printables of your own, I highly recommend the course I took from Gold City Ventures. I have learned so much from them, and my shop has become a great side gig.  If you are interested their course is open now through Monday, April 3rd. 

If you would like to know more about making passive income with printables,  you can also see more with their free workshop.

Well now that I shared what is new with me,  I want to see what you want to share.  It is getting to be time to get the party started, so link up and HAVE FUN! 


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1 comment:

  1. What a fun Candyland party! Great job! Thanks for hosting the linkup again this week. :) Have a great week.


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