Saturday, January 14, 2023

Dare to Share Saturday Party


It's Friday night, and you know what that means.. 
It is time to Dare to Share! 

Happy Friday!  I am currently visiting my friend back in Michigan, so the party is going live a bit late.  We went to the dance tonight. It had been a couple of months since we have been there,  so it has been nice seeing my friends again. I plan on visiting with my kids this weekend, and then heading back in time to see the Bengals play in the playoffs on Sunday night. 

This week I did not get a lot of blog posts done, because I have been busy doing other things.  On Monday I went to the grand opening of our new library.  I was checking it out for a possible job, and to see the tutor rooms to start tutoring again. The place looks beautiful, and I have a feeling I will be there often.  On Wednesday, I had coffee with a few local women who are in a newly formed Dollar Tree craft club. We are having our first event soon, and I will be teaching the first group craft to everyone.  I am pretty excited about it. It combines three of my favorite things, teaching, crafting and Dollar Tree. I will be posting the crafts, I am teaching here on the blog. 

I did share a Unicorn Valentine's Card Box on the blog this week.  While it is not a new craft to the blog, it is a timely idea for kids who will be making a box for their class party in the next few weeks.  

New in my shop this week is my Valentine's Day Memory Game Bundle. It has several different matching games that can be played on their own or together.  I am working on classroom Valentine cards that will be live in the next week. 

If you are interested keeping up with what is new, I have started a newsletter.  Right now the plan is to be sending emails a couple of times a week.  The sign up link is at the top right of my main blog page.   

It is getting late, so we need to get this party started.  I would love to hear what things you have been up to.  Link Up and HAVE FUN!! 



  1. Pam, thanks so much for hosting. My entry numbers are 8 and 9.

  2. I am so happy it is the weekend! Thanks for hosting every week.

  3. Thanks so much for hosting us. XO- MaryJo

  4. Thank you for hosting this lovely link-up. Have a great week!


I would love to hear from you!