Friday, October 30, 2020

Dare to Share #441

It is Friday night, and you know what that means.. 
It is time to Dare to Share! 

Wow, this week seemed to fly by, and but so much has happened.  Last Saturday we celebrated by boyfriend's birthday at a restaurant he wanted to go to in Columbus, and visited my cousin who I had not seen in about 10 years.  My boyfriend's  dad has been fighting cancer for awhile, and it had been discussed recently about putting him in hospice.  Well Saturday night we found out that he declined rapidly, and it was time.  On Wednesday, I ended up working an extra day, and then on Thursday it was my actual birthday.  With everything going on, I did not have much computer time to write a post this week.  After Halloween tomorrow, I will definitely be in the Thanksgiving/Christmas craft mood, and really hope I have time to do some new projects.  With our Covid numbers spiking right now in my state, we may switch to virtual school for a time.  I will keep you posted on that.  

I hope that no matter how you are celebrating this weekend, I hope you have a Happy and safe Halloween.  

Now let's get this party started!  Link up and HAVE FUN! 



  1. I’m sorry to read about your boyfriend’s dad. And happy belated birthday to both you and your boyfriend.


  2. Thanks so much for hosting! I'm linking up with WOULD YOU RATHER See Trump or Biden Win the Election?


I would love to hear from you!