I know it has been a few weeks since I had a new post. I have actually had a few of these finds for a couple of weeks. As you know from many of my posts, I love shopping at the Dollar Tree. Every time you go, there is something new, and you never know what fun item you are going to find. I bought these items in the last month, and many of them you can still find at the Dollar Tree. (My cute letter board I found at Aldi. I actually have a couple different kinds and hope to use them in my posts.
One thing that I really like about the Dollar Tree is all the different types and styles of tote bags they offer. This one just screams summer by the beach to me.
A very exciting thing happened in most Dollar Trees this summer, they got expanded craft sections with many new craft products for only $1. If you ever need a specific craft item always check the Dollar Tree before the craft store. Here are some of my favorite craft finds this month. The extra large rolls of mesh that sell for way more at the craft store, multiple colors of glass paint brush markers, and a retractable tube holder that extends to 14.5 inches.

If you ever seen unusual party items, grab them when you see them. A lot of times they will not be in stock long and are special buys sent from other stores. Some of my finds include a birdhouse centerpiece, a beach party photo back drop that is 50 in by 72 in, butterfly paper lanterns, and an EK tools curvy cutter.
Even though many schools are not sure if they are going back to in person teaching, there are so many cute supplies available. The 2020-2021 planner is the one I had last year that I kept in my work bag and kept track of all my sub jobs. It is the perfect size, and each day has a lot of space to write on. Of course I love the puppy notebook. I don't even really need another notebook, but I could not pass up the cute face. I also loved the colors of the heart folder. They have many fun and original comp notebooks in stock as well.
I was really excited about my kid fun finds. In the Glow Art box is a mini LITE BRIGHT. It is about 2 in by 2 in a bag of colorful mini lights. Right above it in the picture is a mini LED projector light. I have not tried it yet, but it projects stars on the ceiling. The space unicorn and google eye unicorn stickers would make a great gift for the unicorn lover in your life.
While the calendar says July for another day, the Dollar Tree is already stocking for fall. They have so many cute fall and Halloween items already on the shelves. I am so excited about what I have found so far, which I will be sharing with you shortly, along with some fall craft projects.