
Friday, October 9, 2015

Dare to Share #184

It is Friday night, and you know what that means.. 
It is time to Dare to Share!! 

This week has been a really random week.  By that I mean I had a lot of crazy random things happen that kept my life interesting. I have said more than once, my life is definitely not boring..  

I think Monday was one of the only quiet days of the week. 

Tuesday I attended a small group from my church for the first time. I really like the people who hosted it. They are super nice. I am still on the fence if I will join this particular group though,because I am one of the youngest ones and most people are in a different life stage. One great thing about going to this meeting, I found a back way to my kids school that is closer and  will save us 15-20 minutes every single morning. The kids are very happy about this discovery.

On Wednesday we got a notice from the apartment management that they were giving 24 hour notice that they were going to do random maintenance inspections on Thursday.  They had no idea which apartments they were going inspect, but they wanted everyone to be prepared.  I am still trying to unpack boxes, and figure out what to do with a lot of the extra stuff we brought over. My apartment was definitely NOT inspection ready.  I had planned on doing a blog post that day but instead I had to spend hours working in the apartment just in case we were chosen.  On the plus side, this forced me to do things I had been procrastinating on. 

Thursday was the craziest day of the week.  We were running late to leave for school when I accidentally let one of the cats out.. More like she bolted out of the door! My daughter when running after her, because it was not safe to leave her outside.  My son was upset because he has already been tardy more than once because of his sister.  Thankfully we got her pretty quickly even though it was dark outside, and she ran a good distance.  We then used the new back way to school and got there 5 minutes earlier than normal, when left 15 minutes later than normal.  Since we might be picked for the surprise inspection, I put the cats in carriers and took them with me for the day.  We could not risk an unexpectant maintenance man letting the cats out. The weather was perfect at 65 degrees.   They were not happy to be in their boxes though, and now my car smells like cat. My daughter had her last Ortho appointment at lunch and club meeting after school.  Since I was not going to run all the way back home and have them be alone during a possibly inspection,  the kids had to sit with the cats  while I attended conferences. I had to see 12 teachers.(6 for each child)   I made great time on the first 10, but then had to wait almost thirty minutes to see #11, and ten more minutes to see #12. We did not leave the school until 6 p.m.  Everything looked exactly like I had left it when we got back, so we were most likely not one of the apartments picked in the inspection.,  When I got online and  checked my email, I saw I had one  from the company I am working through for subbing. I was supposed to get my log in code a week ago, but it never arrived. They confirmed that somehow my file was missed, and I would be put in the system as soon as possible.  

Last night I only had 2-3 hours of sleep.  We had run out of dry food, and one of my cats woke me up every 30 minutes or so begging for food.  He had eaten wet food about 9 p.m. so I know he was not "starving" and just being a jerk.  I finally had to lock him out of my room.  I then got a surprise wake up call at 5:30 am.  It seems I was put in the sub system ASAP.  I was so tired that I did not recognize the number and did not answer.  They called me back two more times, and I did not get to go back to sleep. The alarm goes off at 6. Since I had so little sleep and it was Homecoming Friday, I knew I could not function in a classroom of kids all day so I opted not to sub today.  I will be ready next week though!  I ran the kids to school, and then stopped to get some cat food so I could finally get some sleep.  LOL!  While I was leaving Walmart I got quite another surprise.  There was a small salamander just walking into the store. He somehow got through the automatic doors or in through the cart area, and made it through the entire entry area without being noticed.  I told one of the cashiers.  She was surprised too. She just him just before he disappeared under the ice machine.  I did not wait to find out what happened. I really needed to get home and take a nap. 

Tonight was Homecoming Parade.. The first one I have been able to attend.  My older two kids have had no interest.  We did not go to the game (we won!), but I did hang out with my daughter and her best friend for a bit after the parade.  They are going to their first Homecoming dance tomorrow, and I am quite excited about it. 

With all the insanity of this week, I got only one post up.  I really miss my  Pumpkin Gang (they are in storage) so I shared a little bit about each of them, and the new members that joined after this picture was taken.  

I have picked Dare to Share Features and they WILL be shared this weekend! I would put some in the party, but I need to get this post up by midnight.  I love all of the great projects everyone submitted. 

My co host Kim from Kandy Kreations  has some fun Halloween posts on her blog this week. I think my favorite are this Brain Cake Balls.  They look creepy, but I bet they taste delicious. 

Now it is time for this weeks party. You are welcome to link up anything you would like to share.  If you are chosen as a Dare to Share Feature of the Day, your post will be promoted on the blog and my social media. This party is also seen on Kandy Kreations for double the exposure. Kim also picks features for her blog and social media.  

Link up and HAVE FUN!! 


1 comment:

  1. Great party, thanks for hosting!! I would like to invite you to my DIY Crush Craft Party which starts at 7pm EST. and is new every Thursday. I'll pin every post!! ;)


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