
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Our First Day of School

There are some moms who look forward to their kids going back to school each fall.  I am not of one those moms.   I much prefer the lazy days of summer over waking up before the sun comes up, nagging the kids to do their homework, and juggling multiple schedules at multiple schools. Luckily we have been at only two schools for the past year, but we have had years when all three kids went to different schools. They also leave at different times making our morning routine stretch  for a couple of hours.   Since they leave at different times in the morning, I had to wait to get a group shot until after school. You might also notice that significant number on the middle sign.  I am a bit in shock that it is already here. It really does not feel like that it has been 12 years..  Didn't she just start kindergarten a few years back?! 

I am so proud of this girl! She has been though a lot, so it is wonderful to see how well she is doing now. When she was a freshman she has some health issues that made it difficult for her to go to full day school.  There was a program at  the high school where she could do her core classes online, and just go into school for electives a couple of hours a day.  Her freshmen year you had be approved to be  the program. The principal who approved her had moved to the high school from the middle school  so he already knew her, and felt it was  perfect for her to do.  Her grades went up,  and it was decided that she could stay in the program as long as she wanted. Another benefit is she had more courses to chose from online. For her last science credit this year  she is taking  Oceanography, which is not offered at the high school   During her sophomore year the program was opened up to more students, who wanted to do it for various reasons.   I found out recently  that when she graduates, she will be the first person to graduate being in the program for four years.   

You will recognize this guy.  It is so hard to get him to smile for pics. I have no idea why.  When he was a little guy he loved to smile.  I know he is not really looking forward to going back.  I can't say I blame him, as he has to get up super early to catch the bus. In his case does go to school all day.  He has a  brain that is wired for math and science and is in advanced math and chemistry.   When he took his freshman practice ACTs, he was overall only one point off of a perfect score.  He did have a perfect score in math and science.  He does not like to do homework, so freshman year was a learning experience for him.  He found out that if you don't turn in your homework, you don't get that great of grades even if you ace all of the tests.  He knows he has to get serious this year, and turn in his homework. Even though  you have scholarship worthy ACT scores, you may not get those scholarships if you don't have good course grades.   Hopefully this year things will really click for him.  

This year will be an exciting one for my daughter. She is really growing up. In the last year she passed me up, and is now almost an inch taller than me. She gets her braces off this year, and will soon be going to high school.  We like her schedule, and we really hope this will be a great year. 

I love this picture of my girls.  They really do have the same mother and father, but you can't tell by looking at them.  :)   I think they will really cherish this picture someday.  I know I will! 


  1. Such sweet pictures! Your older daughter's high school program sounds amazing. I wish I'd had that when I was in school!

  2. What wonderful photos and memories to share. Our daughter always likes her picture taken on the first day of school.

  3. I'm always conflicted. I like having the extra time to myself, but I LOATHE getting up early and the after school chaos. And I don't really like going back to work, either. So mostly I don't like it. :)

    Your kiddos look great! I think First Day pictures are one of my favorite things. I sitll have to get mine blogged!


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