Saturday, January 5, 2013

Dare to Share #40

I don't know how it happens, but every time I sit down on the computer, I get distracted.  I have every intention to start writing right away, but somehow that doesn't seem to happen.  I tell myself that I will only take a quick peek at Facebook.  Quick and Facebook really should not  be in the same sentence.  First of all I am a Bejeweled Blitz addict.  I say to myself that I am only going to play a couple of games.  30 games later, I realize that I have wasted a half hour.  I then go over and check my newsfeed.  Sometimes, like tonight, that really does pay off.  I saw that the Kelloggs Family Rewards Codes were worth triple points today.  I had more than 10 codes to enter so that was a lot of extra bonus points.  Other days though, I find I just waste more time.  Finally a few hours after I start, I get back to what I sat down to do which is post this week's Dare to Share party.

I didn't do a lot of projects this week.  My oldest daugther's virtual school classes are almost finished.  Her semester ends in a couple of weeks, so I have been making sure she is getting everything finished.   I did make a couple of appetizers on New Years Eve that I will be posting shortly. I also enjoyed a nice cup of cocoa with peppermint marshmallows by the Christmas tree.

I am excited by what arrived at my house today.  I ordered the Wheat Belly cookbook, and hope to try several of the recipes in the book to improve my health.  I have high hopes, but some of the recipes look a bit on the complex side.

Valentine Heart Pops

I shared a really fun Valentine treat we made from leftover candy canes.  I have not been in the stores much this week, but I think you might still be able to find some on clearance.  You can see how we made them HERE.

Dare to Share 39 Features

Did you have the chance to see this weeks Dare to Share Features of the Day?
Karen from Shabby Brocante share her beautiful New Years Eve Tablescape
Jessica from The Thriftiness Miss shared how to repurpose an old sweater into new fun items
Winnie from shared her adorable owl bread, perfect for a the owl lover in your family.

Now it is time to see what you would like to share.  There are not a lot of rules to this party.  You can link up whatever you would like to share and you might be chosen as a Feature of the Day.  You do not have to follow to link up, but I would love it if you did.  Features of the Day are featured on the blog, TwitterPinterestFacebook, and G+

Link up and HAVE FUN!


  1. I get just as distracted as you do Pam! Thanks for hosting :-)

  2. Omg! So true, Facebook is VERY distracting, espcially when you are trying to study.

    By the way, thanks so much for hosting! :)

  3. Thanks for hosting, I am a new follower. I found your party link @ Linky Here. Please stop by my party and share your creativity with my friends @

  4. Thank you again for featuring my Owl Bread :):)

    Impossible "to take a quick peek" at Facebook LOL

    Thanks for the party and I hope you're having a good weekend

  5. New follower & linker ! Thanks for hosting Pam:-)

  6. Linked up and linked back in the post. Thanks!


I would love to hear from you!