
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

It's Time for School..

Today was our first day back to school.  The morning went smoothly... too smoothly.   The kids were up and ready with enough time to take our back to school pictures.  My high schooler did not have school today, because it is a Freshmen only day.  She is excited to have an extra day off. One tradition that I started several years ago is to have the kids hold their grade number in some of their pictures.  I was a bit freaked out last night when I had to make a double digit sign..  Ugh! How did that happen.  It seems like just a few years ago, she was excitedly starting kindergarten.

Kyle has a tradition of NOT smiling in his back to school pictures.  He doesn't like to have his picture taken, and he doesn't like to go back to school

Kara has a tradition of posing like a super model in her back to school pics. She is also  not that fond of school, but you can't tell in her pictures.

This picture looks sweet.. but just a few seconds later...

he did the bunny ears and she tried to smack him..  Kids!!!

A few more model poses.  I am going to enjoy her doing this while I can. I know it may not continue into her teenage years.

I look forward to hearing all the stories they have to share about their 1st day when they get home.  I am hopeful that our mornings will continue to be smooth.
Happy First Day of School!!

UPDATE:  I just found pictures from 1st days past..  I just had to share!

This was just a few years ago, but they look SO YOUNG!!
Hmm.. This pose looks familar!

What do you know?!  He CAN smile the first day of school.

He actually smiled in 5th grade too.

Wow, she has really grown in 3 years!

Kristina's first day of 6th grade..the same grade Kara is now.  Where did the time go???>

1 comment:

  1. I love this tradition :) Kara looks so lovely; I adore her scarf for the first day.


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