
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Target Fun Finds, The Weekend Edition

I am normally going to post  Fun Finds on Fridays, but these can not wait,.   Currently Target has some of their Dollar Spot items on 70% clearance.   These finds  will be gone,  if I wait to post until Friday.

Considering I am addicted to Facebook, and I have my own Pams Party and Practical Tips Facebook page,  I had to pick up this Facebook hand notebook. It has graph paper in it, but I have 2 kids in higher math that need graph paper..  At 70% off  it was only 30 cents!

They had dinosaur shaped  sandwich cutters also for 70% off which made this only .30!  I am sure I will find something to do with this even  my dinosaur loving son is a bit old for it now.

These chess piece candle holders were also on clearance.  They were originally $3.00, and are now marked down to .90. They will be PERFECT for Halloween!!

I found this cardboard letter "J" for 70% off too.  While we do not need the letter J, it also looks just like a candy cane when turned upside down.

I found these notebooks in the school section.  Back to school paper is not on clearance yet, but at only $1, I thought it was too cute to pass up   I only found 2 and picked up both.. One for me, and one to share at a later date.  :)

They are starting to set up Halloween in the store now.  While this is NOT on sale, or even a great deal,  I know my loving owl daughter would want one if she saw it. It lights up and looks cuter in person than in the picture. I will have to keep my eye on it for awhile.

I saw this super cute backpack at the end of August in the accessory area.  It was full price at the time.  I forgot to check today to see if there were any left, and if they went on clearance.  It thought the colors were very cute and fun.

So if you are in Target in the next few days, be sure to check out the Dollar Spot Clearance for some  super Fun Finds!


  1. LOVE those candle holders! And that notebook is just SO cute!

    Come over and join my blog hop, if you already haven't! (^_^) AWESOME for finding new friends! I hope that you had a fab weekend!

    ♥ Shar

  2. Love it! I'm addicted to Target!


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