
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Summer Fun Challenge Day 9

Today was the summer fun day that wasn't.. It not that we had a bad day, just everything we thought about doing did not work out.

Originally we thought about going bowling with our Kids Bowl Free Passes.  Our local bowling alley only has 5 hour window of time for free bowling.  The kids were slow moving this morning, and it started to become too late to go bowling.

Then we thought maybe we would make a new water blob and play some water games. The weather did not cooperate. It was gray and cloudy until late afternoon, and the temp never got out of the low to mid 70s.

As soon as I got back from the grocery store, we  heard the ice cream truck.. I thought PERFECT we could enjoy ice cream as a special treat.  We waited for a minute and then realized the ice cream truck was in the neighborhood next to us, and not our own.  We saw some friends going for a walk, so we played with their puppy while chatting for a minutes.  The ice cream truck never did make it to our neighborhood.. Bummer..

Upon going back inside to finish putting the groceries away, I realize that the tomatoes were missing.. At first I was not too worried about just 2 tomaotes, but then I realized my green beans and zucchini were missing too. (the rabbits ate my green bean and zucchini plant in my garden this year)

I called the store, and sure enough, I had left an entire bag behind at the check out lane.  I went to customer service and they had it waiting for me.  When I saw the sign, I first though they were laughing at me.  LOL!! It only took a second to realize it meant left on lane.

Once I picked up the bag, I realized my red pepper was in there too.  Definitely worth going back to the store for my pesky produce.

By this time it was after 8 p.m. and it was starting to get dark.   I thought maybe we could go out and catch lightning bugs.. Wouldn't you know it,  I didnt see a single one tonight..   Oh well, there is always tomorrow!!

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