From Dare to Share #15 check out these delicious looking Peanut Butter and Chocolate Layer Bars from Heather's French Press. Wow, do these look yummy! I also loved her Strawberry Doughnuts and Ice Cream Sandwich Cake from Dare to Share #16.
I really liked Emma's idea from Intentional Hospitality to take lunch to a shut in. It reminds us that there are people who might not be able to get up and go, and would love a friendly visit. She also included her special egg salad recipe.

Can you tell that all these great recipes are making me hungry.. LOL! I could dive right in to Pamelas Almond Joy Mini Cake from Pamela's Heavenly Treats that was shared on Dare to Share #17. Seriously this looks so good, and I know she uses whole wheat flour to make it a bit healthier. What is not to like about that?!

I love this colorful Happy Salad from Meremade. I really does make me happy just to look at it. I now need to try and make it.

Another colorful fun summer recipe is Rosies Chunky Guacamole Salsa from A Rosies Sweet Home. I love avacodo, and I am always looking for new ways to eat it.

Now for a non food feature.. How sweet is this Hello Kitty pillow from Dona of Sewing Miles of Smiles. She makes the cutest things for the children's hospital, and for her lucky grandchildren. My daughter loved Hello Kitty when she was younger. Makes me a bit bummed that she is growing up so fast and outgrowing all of her little girl things.
Thank you to everyone who has linked up to Dare to Share the last few weeks. It never ceases to amaze me the amount of talented bloggers we have out there. I look forward to seeing more of your amazing posts.
Thanks for the feature! I appreciate you hosting the party each week. I know it takes a lot of time. Emma