Since today is Earth Day, and I LOVE chocolate popcorn, I had to feature Hungry Happenings
Chocolate Popcorn Trees. Such a fun treat to celebrate the earth.

I also adore Kitchen Fun with My 3 Sons Ding Dong Doggies. We had planned on throwing a party for our 3 cats over spring break who have all had a birthday in the last month. We did not end up having one because of time, but if we do maybe we will make a ding dong kitty.
We are no longer in the new baby stage in our house, but if I threw a baby shower I so would want to make the baby cupcakes from We Like to Learn As We Go
I really like making cookies with Nutter Butters, but have never even thought of turning them into ballet slippers. Phaedra's Adventure had such a cute idea with her ballet slipper cookies that would be great for a little girl party.
I want to try and make both recipes linked up by French Press. How could I not like healthy chocolate krispie treats. Whille there make sure to also check how to make Homemade Oreos

Kara the Craft Diva was so excited to see Angie's Whim and her hedgehog pincushions.. Kara is a bit obsessed with hedgehogs, and has been begging for one for some time. She is also a huge Sonic fan, so I was not surprised at all when chose a hedgehog craft as her feature of the week.
Thank you to everyone who linked up. If you have been featured you are welcome to use either the Pams Party Blog or the Dare to Share button on the right side of the blog. I hope to have a new feature button shortly.
Thanks so much for the feature! Very kind of you:)