I just realized last night that Easter is only 3 1/2 weeks away. How did that happen? Wasn't it just the holidays a few days ago? It sure feels like time is flying a bit too fast. I am not really ready for Easter at all. All of my Easter items are still packed away, and I haven't done any Easter shopping. Looks like I am going to get moving on this soon! Until I have the chance to make some Easter treats and crafts, I am going to share two of my oldies but goodies. My Easter Cake Pops have been one of the most popular posts that I have had in the last year. This was my first really try at cake pops, so I am very happy at how they turned out. I might try and make a few different ones this year. If you would like to see how I made my Easter Pops you can see how here.

Another one of my super popular Easter posts was my Bunny Treat Boxes. They have been pinned and repinned all over Pinterest, which makes me happy. My Bunny Boxes were simple and fun to make. I know several people have made some of their own. You can see how to make your own Bunny Treat Boxes here.
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