
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Turkey Place Cards

How to make Turkey Place Cards for Thanksgiving

I wanted to come up with a cute and easy way to make a place setting card.  I looked through my supplies and saw that I already had craft foam and pipe cleaners.   Since I just bought a new glue gun tonight (for only $2.99)  I designed this little guy. 

I cut out a peanut shape for the body and two tear drops for the wings.  

Please excuse the extra glue on the eyeball.  I forgot how hot they get and burned myself, which caused me to get extra glue on the eye.  I used google eyes and scraps of orange and red craft foam to make his face. 

To make the feathers, I cut pipe cleaners in half.  I curled them by wrapping them around a pencil. 

I then  glued the feathers to the back side of the body. 
To make the legs, I cut a yellow pipe cleaner in half, and then cut the halves in half.   I then wrapped one of the halves around the other piece to form the feet. 
I glued the legs onto the back of the body, and also added the wings.   You can either write the name directly on the turkey,  or on a small piece of cardstock.  I slipped the cardstock under the wings but did not glue it down.  This way I can reuse the turkey each year, but change the names and needed. 

When your Thanksgiving table is set,  place the turkey onto the plates.


  1. This is such a cute idea!

    Please link it up to my Thanksgiving link up!

  2. Oh. my. gosh. I have been searching for a week for an idea to use with Little Crafter for this year's placecards...I think I found it here! Thanks SO much for sharing this at Shine On Fridays! Too too cute!

  3. I love this turkey!! Your blog looks like a lot of fun.

  4. This is amazing! How talented you are! Thanks for sharing these fun crafts.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  5. Love the turkey birdy:)
    Please come to our party:

  6. I LOVE these!!! Thanks for joining Make Yourself Monday!!

    For Love of Cupcakes

  7. So cute. I like the idea of reusing each year.
    Stopping by from the Creative Bloggers Hop. Hope you stop over for a visit. Happy Thanksgiving.

  8. This is just so cute. I saw it over at A World of Crafts Make it Monday linky. I have got to pin this to my Pinterest board. Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to check out your blog some more. If you have a chance I'd love for you to stop by Tots and Me.

  9. Hi! I wanted to let you know that I featured your awesome placecards on today's Make Yourself Monday! Please feel free to grab the I was Featured button on my left sidebar. :o)

    For Love of Cupcakes


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