
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Hi Ho, Its Off to Camp We Go..

I was not able to post earlier today, because I went to camp with my daughters school.   Each fall the kids in the 5th grrade spend 2 1/2 days having a team building experience.   It's  a pretty big deal.   Each day is full of activities, and the kids come home totally exhausted, but happy.    Today was day 1, so I was there for the check in, finding the cabins, first day activities etc..    At first the weather seemed pretty nice, but as the day went on, it got colder and rainy.  

Each of the kids had to bring a sleeping bag, pillow, and suitcase full of warm clothes, boots etc..   

After setting up the cabin, and eatting lunch in the dining hall, it was off to our first activity.  

It was cold and chilly on the lake for our canoe ride.  One of the girls in my canoe was having an anxiety attack, and constantly freaking out because she thought we were going to tip.  We took went back to the dock, so she she could get out if she wanted to.   She  shocked the entire boat when decided not to,  but two other girls did decide to get out..  I got out with them.  I have to admit I was happy to be on dry  land.  I wasn't freaking out, but the boat was rocking a bit too much for me, and I did not have warm clothes to change in to if we tipped. 

Next up was outdoor survival skills.   I have to admit I was very impressed with our group.  The were able to work together to build a shelter for all 16 of them, and started a fire with a little bit of help.  

Pioneering was next activity.   We learned how to make wax candles.  Though  real pioneers did not have melted crayons to make all the pretty colors, we did learn how to hand dip the wicks to make usable candles. 

We also did something very interesting  that I had not seen before.  We made bread on a stick.  The camp counselor mixed up a batch of corn  bread dough. Everyone had a large heated branch, where the bread dough was placed, and put in the fire.  After sevearal minutes in the fire, the dough was cooked enough to be eatten.  I was surprised with how good it actually tasted.    It could have been because it was a really long day, and I was very hungry, but I would definitely try it again. 

On the way back to the dining hall for dinner, it started to rain.   It was also time for me to go home, since the overnight chaperones were arriving.   Kara didnt want me to leave, but I know she will have fun tomorrow.   They are going to do a zip line.. (waaaa!  I wanted to do that!)  go on a bog hike and a few other fun activities.  I am just glad I can sleep in my own bed, and not have to stay in a cabin with 12 giggling girls for the night..

I look forward to hear all about the rest of the week!

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