Saturday, June 11, 2011

Beading to Beat Autism

Kara and I have been hard at work on our bracelets for Beading to Beat Autism.  As I have mentioned before on this board, Kara's brother has a form of Autism called Aspergers.  Several of her friends also have brothers on the spectrum.  Michala Riggle is a 14 yr old girl who started this fundraising cause when she was Kara's age.    We are helping the cause to raise enough money to build a world class Autism Research and Treatment Center.  1 in less than 100 children are affected by Autism and this center is very much needed.  If you would like to know more about the project please check out here.

We were sent a kit with enough beads and supplies to make 300 bracelets for the project.  Each bracelet sells for a $3 donation.  We have been working hard, and have also recruited her girl scout troop to help make the bracelets. Making a bracelet is actually fun to do, so I thought I would share how to make them.   I also wanted to share a few tips that might help when beading and displaying the bracelets. 

We were sent little plastic containers of beads  that were the perfect size to fit into egg cartons.  Not only did this make the containers easier to transport, it keeps them from spilling.  

To make a stretchy bracelet,  Stretch Magic works really well.  We were sent .5mm which is a nice size for the small beads.  

You do not need a beading needle, but the process goes much quicker if you do.  A beading needle opens in the middle and holds the thread in place.   I chose 3 colors for the bracelet in this tutorial. 

Thread the colors onto the needle and then onto the elastic.  Do not cut the elastic from the roll until you are finished beading.  If you cut it before you bead,  it is easier to drop the beads off the elastic.

Keep beading until you get to your desired length.  The suggested lengths in the kit were 5", 6", 7" and 8".  A 5" bracelet fits a younger child.  A 6" fits many older children, teens and small women.   7" and 8" bracelets fit most adults.   The bracelet I made in the picture was 7' long.  Once you reach the desired length, triple tie the elastic and then  cut from the roll.
To secure the knot,  use a drop of clear nail polish and let dry for at least 15 minutes.  Once dry the elastic and be cut close to the knot.

Kara is going to set up a display table for our beads at our garage sale.  When in the craft room looking for something else, Kara found a display board.  We had cut it in half awhile ago for a school project.  The amount that was left was the perfect size for showing our beads.  

I bought a package of clear push pins from the dollar store. 

I pushed the pins in the board a few inches apart, and then we placed a bracelet on each of the pins.  

We arranged the display by each size, starting with 5" bracelets on the left. 

When using the push pins we did have a bit of a problem.  The pins stuck out a bit on the back of the board.   I dont want anyone to hurt themselves on our display board so I looked around to see what might cover the pins.  I tried masking tape, but that did not work as well as I had hoped.  I then came across a bag of stale mini marshmellows.  They were the perfect solution, because they were hard enough to stay on the pin, and there is nothing sharp exposed.   I may have to come up with a different long term solution but for now marshmellows it is!

Because this is such a great cause and a craft tutorial I am linking this post up on several linky parties.  Please make sure to check my linky party page  and check out all of the awesome blogs.


  1. This is wonderful! I know that it makes me feel very excited when I hear others doing this. My son has autism. I did an entire series on autism in April.

    You must be so proud! Saw you at Iheart Naptime link party!

    Becky B.
    Organizing Made Fun

  2. What a lovely way to raise funds for - and awareness of - autism. There definitely needs to be more funding and research into the condition.
    I remember making bracelets like that when I was in college, they were The thing to have!
    Hope you and your daughter continue to have fun making them and raise lots of money!

  3. What an inspiration! Thank you sharing this with everyone!

  4. BEAUTIFUL post and of course bracelets!! YOu guys have def inspired me! Keep up the fabulous work!


  5. Thanks for all the nice comments. I know so many kids on the spectrum, including my own son. We got involved because this cause helps teach other kids about Autism and shows them that they too can make a difference.

  6. Great idea. I hope you raise a bunch of money :) Hi! I'm your newest follower from the Monday hop. I hope you'll come visit me and follow me back at

    Thanks and have a wonderful week!

  7. What a great post! I love when people try to find creative ways to raise funds. Good luck with your fundraiser!

  8. How cool is this! My little guy is autistic as well. Great way to raise money and awareness! Popped over from the link up on Not Just a Housewife.

  9. what an inspiring cause. will definitely check out that site. i would love it if you linked this up to my tip-toe thru tuesday party! (it's open until friday)

  10. Such lovely bracelets! I hope they raise tons of money! Thanks for linking up to this week's Catch a Glimpse party.

  11. I hope you will share this at Fun For Kids Friday. I think teaching about doing for others is something we can never teach enough.

    Jo @ SmileMonsters

  12. What a great project and post! I'm a spectrum momma, too, and love seeing the goodness in people who work so hard to make life easier for children like ours.

  13. Love this post!! Good work : )
    Jaimee @

  14. What an amazing daughter you have! This is such a wonderful idea and I am soo happy to hear that your GS troop is involved as well. I may have to look into this for my girls. Thanks so much for sharing with the Pink Hippo Party!

  15. A cause so near and dear to me. It's so great to see that BIG sister is involved to help out!! I'll be featuring your project at this week's Terrific Under Ten Tuesday!


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